Keysight management decided that product support to humans, this is no longer a job for a human.

I have the feeling that several Keysight employs they are going to be permanently released and face unemployment.
AI curated content and product help?
Keysight you better find
AI robots as customers too, because us humans, we are unable to follow your path.
Its a fact that at 2011, this discussion Forum it were monitored by
Agilent Orange team.
Mr. Koh (Technical and Application Support) he was a very active link between consumers and the brand.
At 2012, Agilent Orange team this were dismantled.
Users requests about Technical and Application Support, they stayed unanswered.
And the game changed to user to user assistance.
I am translating these changes, as another one proof that Keysight does no wish to have any interaction any more, with their retail customers.
But this is
not News anymore, when you do ignore retail customers for over 10 years.