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Electrical Applications | Basic Power Analysis | Accessories | PSU | UPS evaluation | Battery analysis | CCTV camera system troubleshooting => Power Analysis accessories (Test leads, Active & differential probes) => Topic started by: Kiriakos GR on August 13, 2013, 01:00:10 AM

Title: Differential Probes & applications notes for proper selection of bandwidth
Post by: Kiriakos GR on August 13, 2013, 01:00:10 AM
In my attempt to get more information's regarding the world of Differential Probes I discovered one manufacturer in Taiwan which did a great job in his website about describing the suggested applications VS bandwidth of those Differential Probes.

The information is scattered by model, and so I will make a small summary here.   

25 MHz 
 Switching Power Supply Design
 Motor Drive Design
 Electronic Ballast Design
 CRT Display Design

50 MHz
Precise Power Semiconductor Device Measurement
Switching Power Supply Design
Precise Measurement of Power Converter
Precise Measurement of Motor Drive

70 MHz
High Voltage Floating Measurement
Voltage Surge Measurement
Power Electronics System Design

100 MHz
Switching Power Supply Design
Measuring Drive Circuits of Power Semiconductor Device
Current Shunt Measurement
Power Converter Measurement

200 MHz
Telecom Measurement
xDSL Applications
High Speed Power Measurement
Differential Line Transmitter and Receiver Design

Thanks to Sapphire Instruments Co. Ltd Taiwan (