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Electrical Applications | Basic Power Analysis | Accessories | PSU | UPS evaluation | Battery analysis | CCTV camera system troubleshooting => Power supply / Battery Chargers => Topic started by: Kiriakos GR on October 26, 2014, 03:34:01 AM

Title: Junsi Icharger 4010 DUO VS Hyperion EOS 0720i DUO3 / build quality
Post by: Kiriakos GR on October 26, 2014, 03:34:01 AM
This topic is here to present one significant detail which I spotted in my personal inquiry for selecting one reliable charger at the high price range.
At the specific category the description by using the word charger is rather inaccurate, those are actually battery charging stations with superior functionality and enormous power.

Even so because I am still researching of which one to get,  in order to make my mind I am always like to search and below the surface so to obtain evidence regarding long term reliability too.

According to those links below which are product reviews in German language, there is also pictures of the internals of those chargers.
My eye cough the brand and quality of the inner electrolytic capacitors and by my opinion the news is not that great for Junsi Icharger which using the CapXon capacitors which has terrible reputation among the expert repair man.

From the other hand Hyperion  EOS 0720i DUO3 seems to use made in Korea capacitors (NXB series) with 5000 hrs life cycle which I consider this as significant improvement or strong point.
Feel free to visit the links below so to feed your own curiosity by taking in mind my observations. ( (

Young Jin Complex Electronics Co. LTD  (Electrolytic capacitors NXB Series)