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Author Topic: Mini Review of ZHIYU ZPB30A1 110W DC Load 0-30V at ITTSB Blog  (Read 56100 times)

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Online Kiriakos GR

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ZHIYU ZPB30A1 110W DC Load ( ITTSB Blog ) Review part 3 of 3
« Reply #24 on: August 26, 2017, 10:48:39 PM »
This is my third and almost last test about me exploring ZHIYU ZPB30A1 110W constant current load.

In this test I have use two lead acid batteries’ (2 x 12 = 24V), I was aware that both are partially damaged and what I thought as important this is mostly voltage and current accuracy comparisons.

I got pictures of before starting the test (testing setup) and a few at about 95% before finish.
I did that so all meters and DC load to be warm and accuracy this to be close as possible to real.

ZPB30A1 at 24V this demonstrated voltage difference approximately 69mV.

Just for clarification I will say that all cables (test leads) which I connect to the load they are in a length of 1.2 Meters (Metric) and copper diameter this is 3mm that is the max which banana plugs accepts to be inserted as wire gauge.
According to specifications’ such cables are capable of 18~20A for power transfer.
In comparison with regular test leads wire (10A max), I discovered that at just 1A load these they create voltage drop due resistance of nine mV.
My larger in diameter cables them creates only four mV.
ZPB30A1 this using Voltage Sense circuitry, even so I did use largest possible wire gauge so personally, to feel much more confidence.
And also such cables they can now be used in a later time with much larger in wattage electronic loads.
Speaking of voltage accuracy, ZPB30A1 this measured 22.53V (or 22.530) when HIOKI meter (±0.025% rdg. ±2 dgt), this measured 22.599V.
Therefore measured difference this is approximately +0.4%

Regarding current measurement also this is just a bit higher than selected, this measured at seven Milliamperes higher at 3A setting.

After all my tests so far, I am now a believer that ZPB30A1 this behaving quite well, but there is one more test which I am going to run to it.
This will have to do with power supply testing from 3A up to the Max, which this can deliver.
I am not going to do just a simple accuracy test at several values, but I am going to log constant current so to investigate any Mosfet drift according to temperature changes.
Here I believe that all my improvements’ regarding cooling and enclosure, these will improve performance drastically and my findings will not be comparable with stock 110W ZPB30A1 in any way.     

Among with my next test results I will present and my final thoughts about it.  :)

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Online Kiriakos GR

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I could never imagine that performance of ZPB30A1 110W this would be so respectable, especially when you consider how much this item it is priced for.

If I wrote a pricing analysis, by using all knowledge which I own by monitoring China and Asia in past six years, the report would be very long.
And most western people will not like it, mostly because real cost and trading price they are not even close.
Regarding specific ZPB30A1 110W, I have to admit that it did impressed me, not due it highest accuracy, but due it stability and repeatability when you set current value and output (Created Load) this measure identically.
This helped me to detect which specific settings they can force ZPB30A1 this to deliver per Ampere, a measuring value this having double zero after first digit (Example 7.002 A).   

For me and my Blog, one constant current DC load this would also serve in application of electrical metrology, one reliable CC source this required for calibration inspection at my samples which I review.
As such could be multimeter, clamp meter, clamp sensor and even verification of current shunt resistors.

This latest testing cycle of ZPB30A1 110W, this has a duration of about 9 hours.
And I will do a shortcut here by not overloading your head with all those information’s which they do have greater value to me than to you.

This stable CC DC load becomes an opportunity so me to explore and discover potentials and limitations of multimeter shunt, and clamp probes.

My DC power supply this is no cheap but due age it analog ammeter hesitates to measure correctly all times, this is why I am using external DMM as digital ammeter in the past five years.
Even so, this Kenwood linear PSU  PD35-10 (Made in Japan) it did demonstrated to me that it does deliver unquestionable performance even today which this is 25 years old.
Just 10mV plunge at 10A load from Non-load condition, this is remarkable.

Did you know that multimeter current shunts getting hot at about 70 Celsius? When they measuring 10A for more than 15 minutes.

In my tests I did use DEREE DE-208A multimeter and latest special AC/DC clamp current probe (for non-contact measurements), and I am thrilled of this setup performance.
From 200mA up to 10A measuring this was excellent according to specified accuracy of multimeter and probe.
I got so excited and I did improvise by sharing current probe output also with my Oscilloscope.
Visualization of the current measurement was interesting, but Oscilloscopes’ are not famous for maintain stable measurement on screen. 
DE-208A multimeter strongest point, this is it ability measuring correctly from a single mV, when most handheld multimeter they start measuring from 4~6mV and above.

Final thoughts & conclusion

ZPB30A1 110W DC load this has potentials, I am glad that this does qualify to engage in more applications than be a simple battery capacity tester.
According to specifications as battery capacity tester accuracy this is rather loose at mAh & Watt / hour.
At 0.2A ~ 0.5A = 2.5% and at 2A = 1.5% and more than 5A = 1.2%

Therefore for Ni-MH or Ni-CD or Lithium or 12V ups stand-by batteries (lead acid) which all of them will tolerate discharge at 2~3A Max, expected error would be 1.5%.

According specifications’ this tester can deliver best accuracy at conditions which are closer to automotive applications (motorcycle and car batteries).   
Or if you using lithium batteries pack this including several cells is parallel connection.

While electronics and product design of this half finished CC DC load they are good, all people thinking getting this load, they should be alerted to not trust their eyes or demonstrate blind faith to ZHIYU and use this product right away.

I do suggest:
a) DC fan inspection by removal
b) Thermal compound inspection (unsolder thermal sensor leads for heat-sink removal)
c) Apply better thermal compound to Mosfet.
d) Buy a spare EC11 Rotary Encoder (1$ shipped), you never know when you will need it, but you better be prepared than sorry.
e) Verify with respectable electrical test and measurement equipment, cut-off voltage and current at settings which matter to you.
(For example at 1V cut-off my data logging system this recorded 0,83 and in another test about 0.90 V, therefore for accurate cut-off voltage it might needs to adjust cut-off voltage at 1.1 volt instead as fine detail correction).
Best good thing that ZPB30A1 110W this offered to my Blog, this is that I am no longer see the need of getting a programmable DC load at the price range of 400~600 Euro, because vast majority of my own testing applications them can be served well.
From the other hand all ZPB30A1 they are unfinished products, all buyers they are obligated to pay for getting an enclosure, and also them to pay for a power supply.
And also if you do hate stock DC fan (noise level at high speed) and you go for a better one, total cost this gets additionally increased.
Selection of correct enclosure for ZPB30A1 this is major challenge, neither ZHIYU has necessary skills to deliver a true well designed enclosure for 110W version which this would be used in more demanding application than the smaller 60W.

All electronic CC DC load when operates they do simile to high power hair dryer, generated heat must be released by an efficient way, and also enclosure this must be metallic.
All tweaks and modifications which I did, are original thoughts of my own, and they are very close to product design this used by manufacturers them selling finished products.

Therefore, I will agree with ZHIYU that this product should be used by experienced people (knowledgeable in electronics), for all reasons above.
ZPB30A1 2.7V this is well designed ( software features and programmable functions). 
In the form of a ready product ( ITTSB Blog tweaks and improvements) this is truly a small in dimensions asset !!  8)

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Online Kiriakos GR

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ZHIYU ZPB30A1 110W DC Load and issue with Low-Cost Digital panel Ammeter
« Reply #26 on: September 02, 2017, 11:28:31 AM »
One medicine this is great when there is no side-effects, but here I did detect one issue or better let me use the word irregularity.

Low cost panel meter (voltmeter & Ammeter ) this is a popular gadget, but technically ammeter connection this using negative side for the measurement. 
For example DSN-VC288 10A this using also the shunt at negative side.

The problem starts when you using one DSN-VC288 10A and you are up to checking it calibration adjustment by the use of ZPB30A1.
DSN-VC288 10A this for unknown reason (product design issue ?) this will measure much less current than actual.

One regular multimeter in series with DSN-VC288 10A will measure correctly but at the same time DSN-VC288 10A measurement this will introduce significant error.
When ZPB30A1 this replaced by a light bulb acting as load, then both meters ( Multimeter & DSN-VC288 10A) they will display values much closer to its other.

Therefore my opinion this is that there is some sort of incompatibility with DSN-VC288 10A (voltmeter& ammeter) and the technology which ZPB30A1 this is using.
Or it could be and the other way around ?!
Specific irregularity will cause some trouble at people using with significant faith such DSN-VC288 10A (voltmeter& ammeter) as basic panel meter in their DIY power supply, or project.

WWW.ITTSB.EU   Industrial Test Tools Scoreboard  (Product Reviews Blog) / Editor in Chief.
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Re: Upcoming Mini Review of ZHIYU ZPB30A1 110W DC Load 0-30V at ITTSB Blog
« Reply #27 on: September 02, 2017, 03:28:22 PM »
I noticed on picture with 3 old fluke meters, that one of them has damaged lcd, right?
And my first thought was if you are thinking to convert it with 7segment led display, I have seen relative convertion here http://mrmodemhead.com/blog/gallery/fluke-8050a-led-conversion/
Do you think that its worth, or its better to get a genuie replacement lcd?

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Re: Upcoming Mini Review of ZHIYU ZPB30A1 110W DC Load 0-30V at ITTSB Blog
« Reply #28 on: September 02, 2017, 03:49:13 PM »
I noticed on picture with 3 old fluke meters, that one of them has damaged lcd, right?

My 8012A it is fully functional and LCD has minimum damage ( all digits are clearly visible ).
Even so from time to time I do ask questions to Americans at eBay about finding a spare LCD.
My limit this is 25$ for a shipped LCD ( to Greece ).
The other solution about LED  display , its not cost effective for a meter with low display resolution (four digits).

WWW.ITTSB.EU   Industrial Test Tools Scoreboard  (Product Reviews Blog) / Editor in Chief.
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Les Simpson

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Re: Upcoming Mini Review of ZHIYU ZPB30A1 110W DC Load 0-30V at ITTSB Blog
« Reply #29 on: October 24, 2017, 11:01:52 AM »
Hi Kiriakos

First. I really enjoy your blog and recognise the effort you have put into it.

I am retired Avionics engineer who now is now investigating sailplane-glider battery capacity problems. We keep adding electrical gadgets so batteries are failing.

I found the ZDP 30 A1 as a possible solution to finding the true state of our batteries.

Your ZDP 30 A1 reviews are superb and I want to buy one.  Can you suggest a good supplier please?

Also, I note that there are 2 versions, 60 and 110 watts. The 60 watt version is suitable for my 12V 7AH battery tests; but you say that the firmare for the 110 Watt version is more modern and better. Can you help me with a making decision.

All the best


Online Kiriakos GR

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Re: Upcoming Mini Review of ZHIYU ZPB30A1 110W DC Load 0-30V at ITTSB Blog
« Reply #30 on: October 24, 2017, 11:52:17 AM »
Hi Kiriakos

First. I really enjoy your blog and recognise the effort you have put into it.

I am retired Avionics engineer who now is now investigating sailplane-glider battery capacity problems. We keep adding electrical gadgets so batteries are failing.

I found the ZDP 30 A1 as a possible solution to finding the true state of our batteries.

Your ZDP 30 A1 reviews are superb and I want to buy one.  Can you suggest a good supplier please?

Also, I note that there are 2 versions, 60 and 110 watts. The 60 watt version is suitable for my 12V 7AH battery tests; but you say that the firmare for the 110 Watt version is more modern and better. Can you help me with a making decision.

All the best


Hi Les,

1)  I am not going to suggest supplier because even me about getting this item in Greece, I did faced 50 days of waiting for arrival from China.
I do not recommend any one these Days from eBay, uncertainty in shipping times, this has tremendously increase. 
2) 12V 7AH battery this is identical to my Honda motorcycle battery.  :)
Personally I did not test 60W version.
Firmware differences this is not major, what I care about this is proper heat dissipation.
More suitable this is 110W for you application, test of 7A in one hour this is possible.

Even me I did the choice of 110W model, because my application this is mainly 12V 7AH battery in ups and even in electric bicycles (these using deep discharge battery).   

WWW.ITTSB.EU   Industrial Test Tools Scoreboard  (Product Reviews Blog) / Editor in Chief.
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Online Kiriakos GR

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Today I did receive one notification from Facebook that this project it is now one year old.  8)
And I thought to write few words as feedback.

In all these 12 months up to date, I had 100% confidence in the regard of additional parts which I choose as peripherals to ZPB30A1 110W PCB. 
Today ZPB30A1 110W PCB this has over 300 hours in operation and therefore now I have complete confidence in its and every part over this PCB.

At branded products there is warranty period, at such electronic solutions made in small labs there is no any.
In conclusion, when such a circuit this operates trouble free for over 300 hours, this works as proof of good health regarding product design and of individual passive and active electronic components (parts).

My project this is not about using one ZHIYU ZPB30A1 110W at default (stock version), this DC load PCB it is designed to be installed in to large metallic cabinet and also in to large quantities, ultimate goal this is formation of one battery tester of 50 at least testing channels.

What I do consider today as major success of Mr. Kiriakos Triantafillou, this is entire followed concept so ZHIYU ZPB30A1 110W DC Load this to become a perfect designed standalone equipment which will serve reliably over a workbench.   :) :) ;D


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