With the help of my LCR using it as signal generator and with my Koss Headphones, I did managed to decode this three way Crossover.
I am not a speakers specialist and one coil in parallel with Mid-range line this confused me allot.
After decoding

now everything looks clear, and I did rewire everything, and even replaced the speaker input terminals with a better one.
Now that I become an expert, I am going to repair and the second cabinet.
Despite the fact that those cabinets were shipped with low power drives, these cabinets are quite large, and able to offer sweet bass.
While these speakers designed to be budget Home-Audio speakers, in 80s the sounds where mostly made of natural instruments.
Therefore for people with taste for modern electronic music, and heavily distorted bass, these speakers are not made for them.
PIONEER in Greece (90s) were quite popular, mostly because of the tremendous availability of drives as spares, DIYers was buying PIONEER drives and made their own cabinets.
Also PIONEER speakers was easy to repair by a simple drives exchange.
But PIONEER Crossover was coming only with PIONEER branded pair of speakers (Never seen single Crossover in retail market as spare part).
Generic Crossover with PIONEER drives among with DIY cabinets, this never worked well.
The King of quality made Crossover this was PHILIPS in Belgium.
Source of innovation speaking of new technology tweeters, this was again PHILIPS in Belgium.
True sound speakers development and product design testing were made again by PHILIPS in Belgium.
Therefore for audiophiles like me back then (90s) our choices were limited.
a) B&O which no one can afford.
b) PHILIPS for affordable high Performance.
c) JVC or Panasonic Technics ( Medium performance from reliable brands)
d) PIONEER drives and DIY speakers.
Today I am not in need for another pair of speakers, but these ones I am going to keep them, to resale or use them in a later time, most worthy part in them this is the design of PIONEER Crossover, with new pairs of drives, these speakers will deliver a much pleasant sound than most modern budget Asian pairs of speakers.