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Author Topic: Stäubli SLK425-E & L41 MULTILAM Gold plated banana plugs – Mini Review  (Read 10177 times)

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Online Kiriakos GR

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Stäubli SLK425 & MULTILAM Gold plated banana plugs – Mini Review 

In the past seven years of operation of ITTSB Blog, I did gain significant experiences and knowledge regarding science of electrical calibration.
While electrical calibrators and high precision multimeter both are designed under strict specifications’,  a true reliable electrical measurement this is possible when human error this is minimal and when test leads in use these are of acceptable quality.

In the past five years at ITTSB testing lab I was using only a specific middle-priced product design of banana plugs, this is banana body with single spring load bar this be in parallel to solid 4mm copper axle.
Regarding test cables I was using double insulated 1.5mm2 (Red & Black), possibly made in Taiwan product, this distributed in Greece with out branding.
By using such three pairs of cables 100 cm long it’s one, I was able for several years to perform my electrical tests and to obtain respectable test results.

End of 2018, I did spent respectable amount of money, so to upgrade my test leads from high-end (medium priced) to high-end of (high priced) category. 

Stäubli brand is the one in Europe this including banana plug product codes in their products portfolio, them qualifying enough for use at electrical calibration test leads.

Regarding electrical wire construction, Stäubli brand again is the one also producing fine stranded wire.
Here the word fine, this translates to single copper core at diameter of human hair.
An high number of such (fine copper strings) they are forming a single fine stranded wire at 2,5 mm2 (which is highest available diameter).

Most powerful Stäubli brand patch-cord these including SLK425 type plug and fine stranded wire at 2,5 mm2 and it is specified for up to 32A.

ITTSB Blog December 2018 
End of November 2018 I was involved buying a used lot of Multi-contact products from the USA at sweet price.
Originally I was aiming for a quantity of XDK1033 alligator clips.
Among them was old stock of SIL425 gold plated banana plugs (20cm patch cord), product quality seems much higher than of what I had touch so far.
Unfortunately for me, these cables were not at equal colored pairs.
So I made the decision to spend approximately 83 Euro so to buy what ever it is required (Stäubli products) so create my own finest collection of finest patch cords and banana wire leads .

Nowadays end of December 2018 I have managed to own a complete selection of best-in-class of wires for calibration testing for medium up to highest counts multimeter.

My collection includes:
Four pairs of SIL425 gold plated banana plugs (20cm patch cord), these will serve creating a chain of four multimeter and voltage linearity inspection by comparison.

Two pairs of L41 banana MULTILAM these be at length of 50 centimeters its wire, these will be used for direct connection at portable calibrator (such best-in-conductivity and stable in connection banana plugs they will eliminate bad contact issues at critical measurements’ as for example micro and Milliamperes).
Wire alone this is dual insulated PVC Stäubli 2,5mm2, this be incredibly useful also for very high resistance measurements’ in which wire isolation material this has increased importance. 

Additional one pair of L41 banana MULTILAM these be at length of 100 centimeters its wire.
This will be useful when voltage or current source equipment's they have bench top format and they are at different height from device under test.
Shunt resistance testing by using DC power supply at the range of 10A is another good reason for having such cables.

And finally one pair of Series SLK425-E these are at length of 100 centimeters its wire.
This product has fully isolated housing at banana plugs, and as such it is recommended for higher voltages up to 600V RMS and at 32A.
My own tweaking for decreasing cost of ownership was buying SLK425-E ready made wires at 2M length, and to use portion of their wire length for making my very own cables collection according my preferences.

Stäubli 2,5mm2 wires evaluation:
Regarding banana plugs in use all three Stäubli products as for example the older design of SIL425 gold plated banana plug, and newer design of SLK425-E gold plated banana plug, among with L41 MULTILAM gold plated banana plug, they are all identical in contact resistance and electrical specifications’, they all belong at top-of-the-range (highest quality) of Stäubli products.

Therefore statistics worth noted can be taken by the evaluation of its wire resistance at specific length.
Available lengths are at 20 & 50 & 100 centimeters.
In those tests again HIOKI RM3542A dedicated resistance meter (7 ½ digit) gave detailed and measurements’ which you can trust at the range of few milliohm.

In detail:
20cm wire this measure 2.2960 milliohm (end to end of banana plug).
50cm wire this measure 3.9970 milliohm (end to end of banana plug).
100cm wire this measure 7.0240 milliohm (end to end of banana plug).

Just for comparison I will mention that my older banana plugs (non gold plated) among with 1.5mm2 wire, at about 90cm length they measure a little higher than 12 milliohm (end to end of banana plug).
Final thoughts and conclusion
I was have to read too many scattered documents so to discover that people working at electrical metrology sector they do now accepts a small portion of ppm changes these caused due the use of gold plated plugs and or of solder type at soldered cables.
Composition of solder this changed in our decade, dangerous substances which were used before they are now banned from the market and because of that we cannot have any more availability of lowest Low-thermal solder wire.
Therefore in a multimeter of 8 ½ digits with one million counts resolution, we should now ignore from our measurement a roughly sum of 6 ppm of changes, and justify this quantity as acceptable variation caused due latest Low-Thermal capabilities of the materials that we use at 2019 on planet earth.
According my understanding in the future we could possibly witness such a 6 ppm unavoidable Low-thermal deviation this to now listed in the column of measuring uncertainty in a high-end multimeter calibration report.

Now, from a less academic point of view, I will say that I am witness of one market in which most industries trying to cheat in product quality so to boost profitability by them delivering something looking as 100% copper wire.
Especially low-end factories in China, they now trying to mimic appearance of a good quality banana plug, by the use of lot of gold paint which identical paint it is used over Christmas decorations for a Christmas tree.
For people like me, who we do not accept to be fooled (cheated) and our non-negotiable requirement this is having few but reliable tools in our ownership, the number of choices are much fewer.

While I am greatest enemy of Stäubli pricing policy, I have to admit that products alone, they are made according highest quality and standards.
For example even the humble L41 banana (MULTILAM), this has product design which is a product of lots of thought and attention to detail (work of a serious product designer).
The round barrel which this accepts the wire so to be soldered, this is impressively designed and it does assist soldering process in a way that 100% successful soldering this would be warranted.   

Stäubli wire, silicone or PVC insulation, both are what you expect that they would be, speaking of pure copper wire.

Regarding wire diameter selection, I will use Spartan method of interpretation because this review it is not sponsored, but paid due my own wallet as is 95% of ITTSB blog content.
Feel free reading electrical metrology requirements for calibration test of several DUT and components, then determine your own needs and requirements and then make a choice and stick to it.

My very own choices about type and quantity and quality of test leads for calibration tests are the ones which a calibration enthusiast should also follow, so measuring uncertainty to be solely a problem of the measuring equipment or of the DUT.
WWW.ITTSB.EU   Industrial Test Tools Scoreboard  (Product Reviews Blog) / Editor in Chief.
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Online Andrew-88

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Therefore in a multimeter of 8 ½ digits with one million counts resolution, we should now ignore from our measurement a roughly sum of 6 ppm of changes, and justify this quantity as acceptable variation caused due latest Low-Thermal capabilities of the materials that we use at 2019 on planet earth.
According my understanding in the future we could possibly witness such a 6 ppm unavoidable Low-thermal deviation this to now listed in the column of measuring uncertainty in a high-end multimeter calibration report.

I will never be buyer of a multimeter at 8 ½ digits, but I do get the point that you are talking about DCV precision measurements.
It might sound as bad joke, but after reading your fresh experiences, our new metrology grade DMM it should become the ones at 7 ½ digits for DCV ?

Online Kiriakos GR

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Interesting question  :) 

From my point of view, we cannot deny high digits resolution because our measuring quantity cannot be that stable at 5 ppm lowest value.

My own question which no one is willing to answer this is :  Why there is no modern made, faster, highly accurate and cheaper 8 ½ digits meters in the market at 2018 ?
Why the supposed calibration grade DMM they are all made 20 years ago ?

While I do wish owning a meter with one million counts resolution for my Blog, the market it is now twisted in a way that even me I am 100% confused of which direction to follow.
For now I am voting in favor of patience, it is possible something fresh to shown in 2019 ...   
WWW.ITTSB.EU   Industrial Test Tools Scoreboard  (Product Reviews Blog) / Editor in Chief.
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Online Kiriakos GR

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I have finally find another perfect application for Staubli multilam L41 and my pack of 2.5mm (high voltage) wires.

My newly purchased AC power meter from China, DCUU PM9913, this using for connectivity at the back an unusual style of high power banana connector.
This panel mount system has two connectivity options, crimped clip over wire, along 4mm female banana port.

For AC power meter calibration, I was forced to use extended wiring, by including my Fluke 8846A as precision verification meter, for AC current.

Now I am impressed, with the electrical contact quality, of Staubli multilam L41 Gold plated banana.  8)
I did succeed to measure with stability and precision, AC micro current range starting from  0.20mA up to 2300mA !!

Another accessory that I stressed too, was my Staubli XDK1033 alligator (19A 4mm Dolphin Clip XDK-1033).
This was only thermally stressed, when resistive load was getting hot, up to 80C for a few minutes.

While my Staubli 2.5mm pure copper wires, these simply removed any resistive load from the wires connectivity circuit. ;)       
WWW.ITTSB.EU   Industrial Test Tools Scoreboard  (Product Reviews Blog) / Editor in Chief.
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I am now 100% a believer, when Kiriakos decides to invest his money, this will be a well planed and a long term investment. :)

They might appear as several good pairs of wires, but the point is these to be frequently used, in productive applications.
From precision DC voltage and current measurements, now they serve at AC power precision measurements. 

They shown as great solution when lossless connectivity this is a requirement.  ;)

Online Kiriakos GR

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All staubli products which I own today, all of them serving me well.
The permanent problem of staubli brand, they use non talented people at the position of marketing manager.
Fabio Villani is one of these examples.

Another issue that staubli does not care to deal with, this is their products high retail pricing.
My advice for my readers, use eBay and look for buying opportunities.
WWW.ITTSB.EU   Industrial Test Tools Scoreboard  (Product Reviews Blog) / Editor in Chief.
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