Even in the best houses
shit happens, I was using this TE 1048 for several hours when I was testing software performance of
At that day I was more tired than the calibrator and by the thought that my test cables were connected at the multimeter, I did connect the cables to Mains 220V.
But these test cables was actually connected to TE 1048 process calibrator.
This thing has Max input protection up to 25V DC and internal circuity designed at handle a peak of no more than 50V DC.
Yes my loved TE 1048 were seriously injured and chances for repair / recovery these were looking very slim.
My first thought was that such over-voltage it did fried any Integrated Circuit in it (IC) plus who knows what else.
By opening up my 1048 for inspection and damage assessment, I did notice a few PCB tracks them be totally burned.
Additionally few passive components were burned too beyond identification, and the PCB around those parts were also painted black from the blast.
Then I did contact my friends at Time Electronics in UK, and my email were received by them, when 48 hours previously the entire UK got in lock-down due the Corona Virus.
Therefore my email (Help request about receiving an schematic) this find them at their homes.
Even so, I am very thankful because they did find the way ( Thank you Brian !!) so I to receive help from one of their engineers who was having some files at his home computer.
And I did receive half schematic as assistance to parts recognition.
After making my own home work by inspecting this PCB (centimeter per centimeter) and its one component (all of them), I did succeed replacing anything burned by quality parts from my own stock.
And I did also restore point to point connection of any damaged PCB tracks and last stage this were careful entire PCB traces cleaning and removal of any blast marks residue.
Slowly and carefully and by every repair task this be made with precision and professionalism, in the fourth day the TE 1048 this shown first indication of LIFE
At the fifth day (today), I did managed to restore entire of it functionality!!
At the time of the accident the 1048 this were at
DC Volt & Source mode, and therefore the internal volt meter this using
ICL7129ACPL, this also received 220V at it measuring input and this is now half dead (half sorted).
By removing the (half sorted) ICL7129ACPL all support signals and reference voltages at the IC socket they were restored!! (according to ICL7129ACPL schematic requirements).
Now I am in need for a new ICL7129ACPL which no one has in stock in Greece, but I did find a source in China (eBay).
This is an adventure that I will remember for my entire life time.
Now I am in need for a spare part when entire planet this is at temporally lock down or almost. 
Either way the smile this returned back to my face and I am in celebrating mode !! TE 1048 process calibrator this is alive and kicking, and factory calibration this is undamaged!
Now I am at hunting mode for the acquisition of a
Not Fake MAXIM chip (to be continued.....)