I am up to test my skills as carpenter once more time, the kitchen bench wood cost me 15EUR and I was lucky finding it as single piece in a woods supply warehouse. The four large kitchen feet pipes I found them for free, even so I had to visit Praktiker so to buy few more of them and additional bits that I will need so to finish this project. Spend 55EUR so far, but the true cost of the materials is 80EUR at the store. It is an expensive experiment but I think that I am going to Win !

The all idea is to come close to Philips FV815 stand but with three pipes instead of using wood.
The top base would be invisible under the speaker, I got two new 50cm long kitchen feet, and I will cut the other four larger ones at that size too.
Soft-Gell feet will be at the top plate, acting as isolation.
Harder - Gell feet (not plastic) will be placed at the bottom plate instead of spikes.
Definably it will be in the end, a simple good looking, and modernized speaker stand.
Dimensions:Total height estimation 57cm
Center poles length: 50cm (H)
Top plate: 30 x 20cm (L/W)
Bottom plate: 35 x 33cm (L/W)
Speaker weight 13 Kilos.
Originally this Philips FV 815 stands are 45cm tall, but in my office this 57cm height plus the speakers height brings those tweeters at the proper height when I am on a chair.