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Author Topic: IET LABS inc (USA) looking desperate, they rename DE-5000 LCR as DE-6000 LCR  (Read 16059 times)

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Online Kiriakos GR

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At 20 June 2014 IET LABS inc (USA) which is a reseller of DER EE  DE-5000 LCR, made a new anousment that DE-5000 is going to be discontinued and the replacement model is named as DE-6000.

Their latest announcement talks about up to 33% Improvement in  Accuracy as compared with discontinued DE-5000.

I will touch this matter by criticizing clearly from the viewpoint of consumer.
For some time IET LABS was selling the DE-5000 in USA at the price point of 400$, at that time there was a minimal pricing competition internationally because the product was totally unknown.
Due the product review of DE-5000 at ITTSB Blog, DER EE and their DE-5000 LCR gained a wide recognition which it was expected to cause a higher worldwide demand for this product.

While many European resellers was and is sleeping in a deep sleep, the opportunity for pushing this product internationally is now at the hands of Japanese resellers over eBay.

By taking advantage the low VAT policy between Japan and Taiwan, and by keeping their profit margin in a reasonable percentage, they managed to sell the DE-5000 at about 250% to 300% lower than IET LABS.
Eventually many consumers realized what is happening from USA and Europe and IET LABS lost their face.

Today by baptizing an known product by another product model they live by the expectation  that some how the connection between the DE-5000 and DE-6000 products will be lost in the head of the consumers.
Their hope seems to be that their speculation that DE-6000 is more advanced that it would stop their financial losses.   

After reading today both of their specifications PDF for these instruments, I will say that their claim that DE-6000 differentiates from DE-5000 is FAKE.

In conclusion ITTSB suggests to all it American readers to be very careful from now and on.
WWW.ITTSB.EU   Industrial Test Tools Scoreboard  (Product Reviews Blog) / Editor in Chief.
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Online Kiriakos GR

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IET LABS within 2016 changed their strategy,  they actually push away their DE-5000 stock of meters at a price of 106 $ USD  (Just the meter).
They using their Amazon account about selling their DE-5000 LCR and it seems that the party time ( selling in a friendly price) this is almost over,  they are just four items in stock up to date.

Additionally they keep selling DE-6000 meters (with their own branding) at over 300 $ USD. 

WWW.ITTSB.EU   Industrial Test Tools Scoreboard  (Product Reviews Blog) / Editor in Chief.
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