When Microsoft prepares to trash older Windows version, it does a good internal preparation.
In theory any due Microsoft provided
Windows USB/DVD Download Tool this it should be able to download for you, the image of the operating system that you own.
Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool of 2018, this is Last and modified version, only the ones able to download ISO file when this was still available ... they can today use the tool for making a bookable DVD or a USB pen drive.
In my case I never downloaded the ISO file of my operating system because I got RETAIL Win 7 Pro version, 32Bit + 64bit DVD's were included.
Originally I thought to use my
Nero burning Rom Ultimate RETAIL too, so to burn Windows DVD content as ISO.
And I did make my ISO, but
Microsoft USB/DVD tool reported that this is not an acceptable ISO file .....

I when in to rescue at RUFUS software, version 3.22 the last one supporting Win 7, and this accepted the ISO and started doing it job.
I have retail Win 7 Pro SP1 with original DVD disk along Blue carton box, but I wanted to feel modern

and to own and a USB pen drive with my OS too.
Tip of the Day: Never use Microsoft tool to extract ISO image which this is not delivered to you by Microsoft.