I go my pair of WD 2TB Gold at winter time (six months ago).
At my large
workstation PC case, RAID-1 array this is actively cooled, due 120x120 DC fan (600~1500rpm).
January 2024
When ambient was at
18C, RAID-1 array temperature this was at
22C, while two other HDD with passive cooling they were at 33~34C.
July 2024
Ambient this is now
32C, RAID-1 array temperature this is
35C, while two other HDD with passive cooling they are at 42~44C.
(Active cooling DC fan is now at 1380rpm and just audible).
These are excellent statistics, and I am surprised of how well WD Gold ( HGST Ultrastar) HDD design behaves, speaking of power efficiency, heat dissipation along operating temperature.
My other two HDD with passive cooling, these are production of 2005 and they stay idle most of the time.
As HDD activity benchmark, I had use Norton Ghost, the backup process needs 20 minutes so to finish.
With 32C ambient, RAID-1 array at
35C, twenty minutes of constant activity (backup task), temperature this elevated at my RAID-1 array to
The good design of my PC case (mini server) worth's the most bragging rights.

But most modern HGST Ultrastar (WD Gold) they are very good performers, that neither a professional workstation PC this it can stress them enough.