This topic it is offered as assistance at expert computer users with 10 years of experience or more... Introduction, you need to familiarize first with
all USB protocols which a mobile phone device this is able to use.
Mobile Phone USB connectivity Protocols 1)
MTP = Transferring media files (Device shown at AutoPlay Win7, Phone icon)
PTP = Transferring Images (Device shown at AutoPlay Win7, Camera icon)
Media Device (USB 3.0) (no AutoPlay entry)
USB storage device (no AutoPlay entry)
CD Rom Emulation (VFG1100 tablet, read only media, added only for testing purposes)
I came across of a problem with my Samsung
Galaxy S5 and Windows
AutoPlay menu.
After plugging the phone at my computer USB port, the
AutoPlay menu options these were full with duplicate’s entries of
The same duplicate’s appeared when I was connecting my phone as MTP and or PTP.
I did a web search and I did find that
these duplicate’s and or windows standard options they are named as
AutoPlay handlers …
So far so good, and what we do now so to remove these AutoPlay handlers?
Well single software found from
Windows XP era, and this is
cleanhandlers V2.4I did try to use it, and it did show all the unwanted handlers from Photoshop with keys shown as WIA_ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx reg key.
By simply deleting these specific handlers, my phone was not recognized any more as MTP and or PTP device, and AutoPlay this started to ignore this device permanently. In my case by deleting
first the handlers due the software,
this caused registry corruption at AutoPlay.AutoPlay then worked for anything else than my mobile phone.
Within windows registry I did find these entries also at:
By deleting first the Handlers from
EventHandlers keys (
manually) , my AutoPlay menu this came out clean from unwanted handlers =
First Success. 
And AutoPlay worked normally with my Galaxy S5 at all connection modes.

Then I was able to delete the identical handlers from the registry section of
Handlers keys =
Second Success. 
Now I did notice one
new detail, by connecting my phone with different USB protocols, once as
MTP device and once as
PTP device,
Windows AutoPlay this now register my Galaxy S5 two times.I did perform this test by using my old Phone Tablet VDF1100, and Windows AutoPlay this acted the same.
Now I have all the answers:
Why I did see WIA (Flatbed scanner events) and Photoshop duplicates? Because windows OS this recorded events when I was using Photoshop so to import images taken by my Epson Flatbed scanner which I do not own any more.
Why by removing Handlers only, this caused registry corruption? Because Windows 7 Pro, this always monitor
EventHandlers (Registry section), and anything unwanted it must be removed from there
Software author, of
cleanhandlers V2.4 he wrote the software for
Windows XP, for windows 7 this software
is incompatible. Even so
it's an extremely valuable tool for visual inspection of the handlers, and relative registry entries.
And it works at 64bit OS.

Now I will deliver and another trick, of HOW TO REMOVE SAFELY listings of mobile phones recorded at AutoPlay, and or removal of unusable registrations at AutoPlay, of your current mobile phone. At the registry
They are stored any mobile phone plugged devices at your computer.
Now by clicking over one key (example) WpdDeviceHandler_USB#VID_04E8&PID_6860&MS_COMP_MTP&SAMSUNG_ANDROID#6&257B2B6&0&0000]
Then a second section of that key appears (
expanded view), within that section there is a field =
Device Name.
Once I had plugged one Galaxy S8+, now it’s safe to delete the entire primary key with the expansion this containing device name of
Galaxy S8+.
About deleting inactive duplicates of your own phone, this is easy if you perform first a detection process. Example: You have four identical keys for your own phone.
rededit.exe you simply rename only the
device name at the expanded registry key (just of the first one (registry entry), use as new device name the text =
Then you start
AutoPlay software due windows
control panel.
One of the listed devices will be now named as OLD

Now check options menu at OLD device, if you see only two options,
Do nothing / Ask me every time, then this Device key it is
One Good
working device key will offer more options (greater number of handlers) = open device to view files (Handler).
It is always best the mobile phone device this to be plugged at the USB while you are testing.
If we decide to delete such a duplicate device, WE CLOSE First the
AutoPlay window.
Now with REGEDIT still Open, we delete the primary key.
Then we open again
AutoPlay due
control panel so to inspect.
If we rename one good working device key as OLD, then we simply renamed it back as GOOD
instead of (Example= John (Galaxy S8+).
Step by step and with caution, we rename all instances of identical device, and inspect again.
WE NEVER rename keys with
AutoPlay software open. Once we found two working keys for our device, one with
camera icon and the second with
mobile phone icon, now we are good to rename
both device name back at (Example= John (Galaxy S8+).

If you are unfamiliar using Windows Registry Editor? Then DO NOT TRY anything of the above.This entire article and tips they cannot help you, if your own windows registry system this is
corrupted and
AutoPlay this does not Activates at USB MTP connection.
Windows operating system this has tremendously complicate structure, and there is no software out there this able to troubleshoot AutoPlay issues automatically.
This topic it is a deposit of
personal experiences of Kiriakos Triantafillou, ITTSB blog founder (Win 2000 Server Microsoft certification).
Note: Stealing of content this is punished by Law, Copyrights active.