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Electrical Applications | Basic Power Analysis | Accessories | PSU | UPS evaluation | Battery analysis | CCTV camera system troubleshooting => Power supply / Battery Chargers => Topic started by: Kiriakos GR on January 24, 2020, 09:47:56 AM

Title: HSPY Power Supply electrical specifications review - Low cost LED driver
Post by: Kiriakos GR on January 24, 2020, 09:47:56 AM
In the past three years there is lots of confusion created regarding several low cost power supply and also about the low cost electronic DC load.

Most young people they think of anything with appearance and functionality of bench power supply as this actually is one for general purpose and electronic repairs.

The truth is that industry of Asia they simply invent some of their own electronic test devices for the inspection of LED products.
LED diodes in quantities (stripe or round shaped bulb) they are simply a DC LOAD and actually a stupid one.
LED diode does not care of incoming power imperfections, noise, ripple and actual voltage precision.

HSPY products they are actually a substitute of Power source this emulating a wide range (several type of) LED driver fixed Voltage & Current circuits

Especially HSPY 400V this is designed to serve a wider range of LED lights implementations.
For example there is workbench LED strips requiring 125VDC at 150mA so to be tested, HSPY 400V this is compatible for such a test.

From the other side of this equation they are the 150V DC (low cost) programmable electronic load, even them are not precise or clean regarding noise.

Such designs, power source and or DC load, they are not comparable to electronic test equipment for general use.

Most to all LED driver PCB (electronic circuit) fitted in to a LED bulb they are not isolated from mains.
Bench type adjustable LED driver has two advantages’, they have adjustable VA output and they should be isolated from Mains.