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ITTSB Blog Specific > ITTSB - Small projects by Kiriakos & User reviews

2022 ITTSB Project: Triple Rail DC dummy load 330W for ATX PSU testing

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Now I have good clues of where the huge heatsink of welder, this will be used at.  :)
(Post #1)


--- Quote from: Kiriakos GR on September 16, 2022, 01:14:02 PM ---Mix of new and used parts in my ownership, so to retain total costs at minimum :)

--- End quote ---

My quick costs pricing estimate, by also including the wiring costs, this is close to 90 EUR, and if you get a new project box? this is plus 50E.
Sum could be 170E ~ 190E including several DC fan.
Just my note for the ones who might think to replicate it.  :)   

Kiriakos GR:
I will give detailed sum of costs at the project end.
Parts plus portion of electric energy used  ;D

Today's work = progress
a) Metal sheet (front-face) this were cut internally, and now it become a frame with 12mm surround wall, for the addition of screws.
b) Aluminum sheet this were cut accordingly.
c) First aluminum sheet this is 1mm of thickness = soft, and I was forced to cut and a second and identical one, and to add both as one = sum of 2mm of thickness.
d) Both aluminum sheet were centered - drilled - bolted.
e)  Sum of work hours = around five  (for retention of accurate made work at its step.


Kiriakos GR:
Today's work = progress

a) Construction of accurate paper model of panel meter dimensions.
b) Accurate positioning of top side parts.
c) Accurate slow motion cutting of ammeter hole.
d) Marking and drilling of power switch holes, all in perfect alignment.


Kiriakos GR:
Skipped one day and now I am moving on.
Working with aluminum this requires of you to have other than skills and a good and mistake-less strategy = systematic work.

Plan, drill, clean all particles, REPEAT
Plan, drill, clean all particles, REPEAT

This is a taste of after drill period  :)


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