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Author Topic: Japanese calibration verification of FLUKE 8846A 6.5 Digit Precision DMM  (Read 6607 times)

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Online Kiriakos GR

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Just for fun, from time to time I do search eBay so to detect price fluctuation of 8846A as used.

This time I did landed over one listing of good educational value, offered by a Japanese seller.

While calibration inspection process for this FLUKE DMM this is very well documented, when a FLUKE Calibrator this is going to be used.
This specific process in Japan included combination of voltage current sources along passive resistor standards.
The writing is so simple to understand and nowhere near to a boring calibration report.  :)   

Even my self had something to learn from it, as for example that low current input calibration inspection this is performed up to 1KHz only, while the 10A input this is inspected up to 5KHz.

I will simply copy paste the information which I did find today, before this get lost along with the product listing.  ;)


FLUKE 8846 A 6.5 digit precision multimeter

DC voltage measurement 5 range (100 mV, 1 V, 10 V, 100 V, 1000 V) 100 nV to 1000 V
 1 year absolute accuracy 0.0037% + 0.0035% (100 mV range)
 1-year absolute accuracy 0.0025% + 0.0007% (1V range)
 1-year absolute accuracy 0.0024% + 0.0005% (10 V range)
 1-year absolute accuracy 0.0038% + 0.0006% (100 V range)
 1-year absolute accuracy 0.0041% + 0.0010% (1000 V range)

8 ranges for DC current measurement (100 uA, 1 mA, 10 mA, 100 mA, 400 mA, 1A, 3A, 10 A)

 1-year absolute accuracy 0.05% + 0.025% (100 uA range)
 1-year absolute accuracy 0.05% + 0.005% (1 mA, 100 mA, 400 mA range)
 1-year absolute accuracy 0.05% + 0.020% (10 mA, 1 A range)
 1-year absolute accuracy 0.10% + 0.020% (3A range)
 1-year absolute accuracy 0.15% + 0.008% (10 A range)

AC voltage measurement 5 range (100 mV, 1 V, 10 V, 100 V, 1000 V) 100 nV to 1000 V
 1 year absolute accuracy 0.06% + 0.04% (100 mV range) 10 Hz to 20 kHz
 1 year Absolute accuracy 0.06% + 0.03% (1 V, 10 V, 100 V range) 10 Hz to 20 kHz
 3 Hz to 1 MHz band True RMS measurement

8 ranges for AC current measurement (100 uA, 1 mA, 10 mA, 100 mA, 400 mA, 1A, 3A, 10 A)
 1-year absolute accuracy 0.15% + 0.06% (100 uA, 10 mA, 3 A, 10 A range)
 1-year absolute accuracy 0.10% + 0.04% (1 mA, 100 mA, 1 A range)
 1-year absolute accuracy 0.10% + 0.10% (400 mA range, 10 Hz to 1 kHz)
 Above 1-year absolute accuracy at 10 Hz to 5 kHz (except 400 mA range)
 True RMS measurement in the 3 Hz to 10 kHz band

Direct current resistance measurement 9 ranges (10, 100, 1 k.OMEGA., 10 k.OMEGA., 100 k.OMEGA., 1 M.OMEGA., 10 M.OMEGA., 100 M.OMEGA., 1 G.OMEGA.)

 1 year absolute accuracy 0.01% + 0.030% (10 ohm range)
 1 year absolute accuracy 0.01% + 0.004% (100 ohm range)
 1-year absolute accuracy 0.01% + 0.001% (1 k.OMEGA., 10 k.OMEGA., 100 k.OMEGA., and 1 M.OMEGA. ranges)
 1 year absolute accuracy 0.04% + 0.001% (10 megohm range)
 1 year absolute accuracy 0.80% + 0.010% (100 megohm range)
 1-year absolute accuracy 2.00% + 0.010% (1Gomega range)

Frequency and period measurement 6 and a half digits 3 Hz to 1 MHz (when measuring voltage)
 24 hour relative accuracy 0.006% (40 Hz to 1 MHz)
 1-year absolute accuracy 0.010% (40 Hz to 1 MHz)

Temperature 1 year Absolute accuracy 0.06 degrees C (0 degrees C)

Capacitance 9 Range (1 nF, 10 nF, 100 nF, 1 uF, 10 uF, 100 uF, 1 mF, 10 mF, 100 mF)
 1-year absolute accuracy 1% + 0.5% (10 nF to 10 mF range)

Preheat time: 1 hour (time to reach specified accuracy)

FLUKE did stopped production of 8846A with out the brand to offer a substitute NEWER model.

Even so, any good working 8846A out there, this still stands out as leading solution for DC voltage reference inspection.
Second strong point this is at Low Resistance measurements.
Third strong point, and this is the fresher one, at ITTSB Blog front page, you can discover best software for Windows PC which takes advantage entire amount of 8846A capability's regarding data logging.  8)
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