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Author Topic: Micsig Tbook how much it cost one spare lithium battery 8000 mAh ?  (Read 6041 times)

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Offline Kiriakos GR

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This is a topic written today 24 May 2018 as warning for the future.

Low-cost Micsig Tbook DSO they did gain small market share at few hobbyists hands, but no one did any serious thought about the future, before he delivers his money.

Until this calendar day we have battery powered oscilloscopes from GW Instek, OWON and Micsig.

GW Instek makes clear that for GDS-200/300 battery replacement this is a job for authorized distributors.
In the positive side of things, GW Instek it does have a large distribution network and their business partners they are serious people.

OWON this has a much smaller international distribution network, even so they do offer spare Lithium battery enclosed in to a plastic box at the price of about 60 Euro with VAT.

Micsig Tbook lithium battery at 8000 mAh, this is a battery cell currently not distributed anywhere as spare part.
Today and after lots of hunting I did found one distributor in Russia, whom it does seem to offer replacement battery at the cost of about 27 Euros with VAT. 

Not every Love Story with a battery powered DSO has a Happy-End, in the third year of ownership you will come across to first signs of  battery capacity loss.
While battery will seem charged as soon you unplug the charger, remaining battery level will instantly reduced at 70%, and it will constantly reduced its next month, no matter if you are using or not the oscilloscope.

Specific battery packs this are recent production in China, and they  are made in compliance to EU safety directives.
But EU safety directives does not cover the incident of battery pouch dis-formation ( battery increases it dimensions in height) and formation of balloon shape.

Therefore it is a necessity for every owner of battery powered DSO him to pay for internal battery replacement every four years of time, or much sooner,  it is known that most lithium batteries they can be recharged no more than 300~400 times, then capacity loss starts reducing their performance.

For now what it worth of you to think or foreseen, this is how much your oscilloscope will worth as used, when this has a dead battery, and battery replacement this is truly hard to be found.     
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